用務員室建設 2017
Care taker’s house construction in 2017
Just after the classroom was completed in 2015, several incidents had happened at the school. Nothing was stolen as a result, but the wall of the classroom was slashed by a burglar. To address this situation, we built a residential hat for school staff to stay on site all the time.
Design of this building is characterized by the four following features.
Dealing with climate issues, land area issues, financial issues, and construction issues, the layout has evolved multiple times. Step by step, the design became shorter, smaller, furniture-less and easy to construct. Ideas contributed by each person are absorbed and shown in the evolving process.

1: 他用途に使える間取り / Versatile Layout
The caretaker’s house can be used as either a house or a classroom. Normally, it would be used by caretakers to live in and protect the school from thieves. It can also be converted into a classroom when needed due to the lack of classroom.With the door placed at one side of the house The layout refers to the typical layout of a classroom in this area.
2: 家具と一体化した建築 / Furniture Integrated in Structure
It takes a large amount of money to purchase the furniture for a new house. As a solution to this issue, the design integrates most of the furniture into the housing structure. With a table being made along with the construction of the house, no extra furniture is needed. On the first floor, a continuous surface serves as a bench, bed, and kitchen table at the same time, saving space for living activity and educational activity.

3: 環境への対処 / Climate Friendly
The caretaker’s house can be used as either a house or a classroom. Normally, it would be used by caretakers to live in and protect the school from thieves. It can also be converted into a classroom when needed due to the lack of classroom.With the door placed at one side of the house The layout refers to the typical layout of a classroom in this area.

4: 電気を使わない建設 / Construction without Electricity (Prefabricated Method)
Due to the lack of electricity, the house has to be constructed purely by hand on site. A low-tech pre-fabricated method is applied during construction. Having all the timbers cut in the factory and delivered to the site, the main frames of the structure are pre-fabricated in the playground by volunteers in order to simplify the construction process and minimize the labour work.

建設にあたっては、ケニア人建築家のDick Olango氏、ナイロビ大学講師のEdwin Oyaro氏が協力してくれた他、Slum Architects Associatesのグループの所属するケニア人学生の協力者が大幅に増え、建材購入など交渉が必要な過程を全てJoshua Owino(当時ジョモ・ケニアッタ農工大学学部生)に引き受けてもらった。これにより、日本側の負担が大幅に減り、建設の質も前回より高まった。
For the construction, Mr. Dick Olango, Kenyan architect, and Mr. Edwin Oyaro, Lecturer at University of Nairobi, cooperated with our activity. This construction was supported by more Kenyan students in a group of Slum Architects Associates than before. Joshua Owino (then undergraduate student at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology) took charge of the processes that needed negotiation, such as purchase of building materials. Thanks to these contributors, the workload of Japanese staff had drastically degreased and the quality of the construction had improved from the last construction project.

There was an empty land next to the school plot, which worked as a precious playground for kids. Initially, the land was simply “used” by students, but later the school decided to acquire the land.
Scrambles for land constantly happen at Mukuru, and other people may take a chance to build their own building on the land. The school once considered building galvanized metal fences on the boundary of the acquired land. However, landowners at Mukuru often built those fences around their plot and worsened congestion of the neighborhood. After discussions, the school decided to leave the empty land available for local people as well as the school. Due to maintenance works by the school, the open space turned out to be a more hygienic and brighter space than before. Local people often walk through or take a nap there. This school plays an important role to provide some open space to the neighborhood in the congested city.