Houses in Mukuru
ムクル地区内の住まいの形と営みの採集 / Case studies: Forms and activities of houses and settlements at Mukuru
Subject: Houses at the Ruriie area and the Railway area in Mukuru (n=51)
Date: June 22th to 28th and October 11th to November 15th, 2014
Researcher: Kotaro Tahata, Saori Imoto
We conducted a survey for households in Mukuru district, the Ruriie area and the Railway area which were created in different processes at different times.
The Ruriie area was created at the initial phase of the Mukuru district and composed of narrow winding allays.

On the other hand, the Railway area was rapidly built up by a developer on a large scale after 2000. The plots are standardized. It is next to the restricted area with underground oil pipelines, where construction is not allowed.

Houses at Mukuru can be categorized into the detached type and the row-house type.
Houses of these types can be further divided into owned ones and rental ones. The Ruriie area has more detached houses and owned houses, and, presumably, households are more likely to stay in the same area. On the other hand, the Railway area has more row houses and rental houses. It is assumed that many households in this area move between rural areas and the city or between cities, including households of immigrant workers.
It was revealed that many households in Mukuru have jobs in Mukuru and make a living.
Most of them are self-employed, while they have created different spatial settings for their business. Some shop space was created through renovation of a part of a house or extension of a room or a space under the eave. Some street stalls were built on an empty plot where construction is prohibited. Some households run farming and dairy farming on a vast plot they unlawfully claimed during the initial phase of settlement in this area. Thus, residents found various possibilities in this highly dense city and converted them into a business space.

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井本佐保里・田畑耕太郎:ナイロビスラムにおける住宅構成住まい方の実態について,一般社団法人日本家政学会研究発表要旨集70 (0),8-8, 2018Saori Imoto, Kotaro Tahata: Housing condition in Nairobi slum, Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, 70(0), 8-8, 2018
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田畑耕太郎・井本佐保里・大月敏雄:ナイロビのインフォーマル居住地における商用空間形成に関する研究, 日本建築学会学術講演会, 建築計画, pp. 1253-1254, 2015Kotaro Tahata, Saori Imoto, Toshio Otsuki: Formation of Commercial Spaces in Informal Settlements in Nairobi, Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, pp. 1253-1254, 2015