教室建設 2015
Classroom construction 2015

2015年8月に小学校「Happy Promotion Centre」の教室2室+半屋外テラスを設計・施工を行った。
In August 2015, we designed and built two classrooms and a semi-outside terrace of the elementary school called Happy Promotion Center.
Happy Promotion Centreは2009年にMukuru Kwa Reubenに立ち上げられたノンフォーマルスクールで、当初は教師の自宅で、次に地域の集会所を間借りして運営がされていた。
子どもの数の増加に伴い、学校経営者がMukuru kwa Njengaに新たに土地を取得し、教室を建設することになった。ムクルでの土地の価格は、土地の面積ではなくそこにいくつ「部屋」が建設できるかで決められる。「部屋」とは10×10フィート(約3×3メートル)に規格化された賃貸住宅の1室を指す。学校が取得したのは5つの部屋が建設できるサイズの土地であった。
Happy Promotion Center is a non-formal school originally founded at Mukuru Kwa Reuben in 2009. Classes were held initially at a teacher’s house, then at a local community hall. As the number of students had increased, the school owner decided to acquire a new plot at Mukuru Kwa Njenga and build classrooms. At Mukuru, a land price is calculated based on “how many rooms can be built”, instead of the area of the land. In this case, “a room” indicates a standardized 10 ft by 10 ft room of rental houses. On the land the school acquired, five rooms could be built.
At that time, the school had almost 40 students, ranging from the kindergarten age to the fifth grade, and two teachers. We talked with the school operator and decided to build them in the following ways:
①学校側の能力に応じて時間をかけて教室を増築していく仕組みとすること/ Classrooms will be gradually added according to the capability of the school.
②現状、教員が2名であることから2室建設すること/ We start with two classrooms as there are two teachers.
③構造は、安価な木造とすること/ Their structure should be wood due to its low cost.
④基礎とスラブはコンクリートで施工すること(現地では基礎のない建物が多い)/Their foundation and floor slab should be installed with concrete. (Local buildings are often built without any foundation)
The first two points were measures to improve the school gradually and operate and utilize the building properly. The latter two were measures to choose minimum and suitable building specification, cut down the cost, and harmonize the new building into the local standard.
同エリアは、排水システムが整っておらず、雨季になると床上浸水は日常茶飯事である。路地もふくらはぎが埋まるまで浸水することもあり、小さな子どもは学校に通学できなくなるといった状況も見られる。今回建設する教室で最も重要だったのは、基礎とスラブをきちんとつくることで、これらの問題を解決することだった。その一方で、柱梁などの構造躯体は木造、壁や屋根は地域で一般に使われているトタンを利用した。これは現地でTemporary Structureと呼ばれる工法で、Permanent Structure(石造や鉄筋コンクリート造)と比べて劣った性能の建物という認識がなされている。
A drain system is not established well at this area, so inundation above a floor level happens on any day during the rainy season. An alley can also flood up to the calf level, which makes it difficult for small children to go to the school. What was most important for construction of these classrooms was making a proper foundation and floor slab with concrete, which could address the flooding issue. On the other hand, their structural frame such as columns and beams was wooden and their walls and roofs were made of galvanized iron sheet, the common building material of the neighborhood. Locally, buildings made in this construction method are called Temporary Structure, and regarded as lower quality buildings than what is called Permanent Structure made of stones and reinforced concrete.
しかしTemporary Structureはコストだけでなく、自力建設を行う上での施工性も高く、今後の改変性(増築、減築、移築)にも適していると考えた。Temporary Structureがもつデメリットである断熱性の低さについては、内壁を貼りダブルスキンとすることで対応した。
However, we considered that the Temporary Structure was more appropriate for this construction. In addition to its low construction cost, this construction method is easier for self build and more suitable for potential transformation of the building such as extension, reduction, and relocation. To address the low heat insulating property, the common disadvantage of the Temporary Structure, we added the secondary wall from inside.
Its general design was created in Japan with students of Imoto Laboratory. To self-build the classrooms in two weeks on the project site, we chose a construction method, created drawings, and quoted the cost. On the project site, the school operator created a construction team, mainly of skilled workers around the school.
A craftsman led the team, and some young people in the neighborhood joined in some simple installation works. Japanese staff also participated in many aspects of the installation, such as purchase and delivery of construction material, excavation, and timber processing. With the contribution of those people, the installation proceeded as it was planned. Due to lack of electricity supply, we had to do everything manually. We had to bring building materials through a narrow alley that a car cannot pass through, and carried them by hand.
While the construction period was slightly extended, classrooms were completed in about three weeks, and the first class was held about a week later. Local people immediately found out that the new classrooms were built, and it didn’t take long to secure thirty students from the neighborhood. Later, by being acknowledged by the then Ministry of Social Development, the school improved its status to an authorized school.