Food aid under the COVID-19 restrictions

2020年COVID-19の感染拡大を契機として、同年4月から2021年1月までケニア全土で学校の休校要請が出されました。また、ムクルの多くの人々が働いている日雇いの工場や、家政婦業などの多くの仕事が休業となり家計が厳しくなっている状況でした。学校で給食を食べられていた子どもも、学校が休校となったことで給食がなくなり、家庭の事情によっては食事をきちんと食べることも難しい状況だったことから、ムクルの学校(Happy Promotion Centre)の保護者に対する食糧支援を2020年6月より9月までの間、2週間に1度の頻度で実施しました。
Since April 2020, schools are requested to close in the entire Kenya because of the COVID-19. At the same time, many jobs have been suspended. Many Mukuru residents are working at factories or housekeeping jobs, and they cannot continue these jobs. As a result, many households are facing financial challenges. Additionally, due to the closure of schools, pupils lost the opportunity to eat school lunch. In such a situation, some households cannot secure food.
Therefore, every two weeks, we provide food to parents of the pupils of the school during the school closure period.
We negotiated with a store near the school, and asked the store to prepare food we provide each time. When the food is ready, parents of each pupil visit the store, make a signature, and receive the food. Each time, we provide food and necessary goods equivalent to 1,000 Kenyan Shillings per household, including edible oil, sugar, salt, rice, maize powder, soap, tea leaf, and sanitary products.