Donation to our activity
Mukuru Design Unitは、活動のための寄付を受け付けています。
Mukuru Design Unit is asking for donations for our activities. Your donations will be carefully utilized for activities at Mukuru, especially for operation of the Saturday Activity.
Depending on the amount donated, we will return the same model of original furniture used in schools in Mukuru district.
Purchase our original furniture
Mukuru Design Unitは、オリジナルの家具(組み立て式)を販売しています。
Mukuru Design Unit sells our original furniture (assembly type).
This original furniture was jointly developed by VUILD inc. (https://vuild.co.jp/)and Imoto Lab., and it is actually used at the school in Mukuru. You can use it as a desk and a stool for kids or as a part of the home decor.